First Time I Met My Sister pt.1


So according to my mum, I had a brother who passed away shortly after I was born but she has always been very vague about the details for reasons I don’t know but I never push her for answers just in case it gets too emotional. Hmm could I have been a twin? Possibly, I’m not sure. It would’ve been so cool to have an older brother and it upsets me that we never got to meet.

Growing up my mum always led me to believe I was the only child she had, so you could only imagine how I felt when she did one of her disappearing acts and returns back into my life months later and suddenly, I have a teenage sister and to be fair she did look so much like me it was a no brainer that we were related. She was only my half-sister but at the age of seven or eight, I was a little confused especially since nobody ever told me anything.

My mum had plans, she had only been back in my life five mins and she had our bags packed and moved us to a hostel in Hounslow, me and my mum was in one building but I was on the top floor in my own room and my mum the floor below me and my sister was put in a building across the road. My sister had to be in the other building because well my sister was pregnant.

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